Funny Ways to Say Thinking of You

The phrase "thinking of you at this difficult time" is a beautiful phrase that probably depicts precisely what you want to say to someone. The only problem is that it's entirely overused.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • How to Say 'Thinking of You at This Difficult Time' During an Illness
  • How to Say 'Thinking of You at This Difficult Time' After a Death
  • How to Say 'Thinking of You at This Difficult Time' After Another Tragedy or Loss

"Thinking of you at this difficult time" is especially overused on social media. You may prepare to comment on the status of a friend only to see that the three people who previously posted their thoughts used the same phrase.

What are some other " thinking of you" messages you can use instead of this one? Keep reading and learn some new phrases.

How to Say 'Thinking of You at This Difficult Time' During an Illness

How to say thinking of you at this difficult time image

Do you have a friend who is going through a bad time? Are you not sure what to say or do? Perhaps you can purchase a "thinking of you" gift . You can also text or call to tell your friend you are thinking about him or her.

Here are some phrases to use in your text or on a notecard that means the same as "thinking of you at this difficult time."

1. "Hang in there!"

The phrase "hang in there" may cause your friend to think of the kitschy cat poster that originated in the 1970s. Although this phrase may be a bit overused, it is still different than "thinking of you in at this difficult time."

By the way, only use the phrase "hang in there" when you are reasonably sure that your friend will recover. The phrase implies that the problem is temporary.

2. "I hope you feel better soon!"

Unless the condition of your friend or loved one is dire, avoid using the phrase "thinking of you at this difficult time." Otherwise, your message should be more upbeat and have a positive message that implies recovery, such as, "I hope you feel better soon."

Consider using the title phrase if your friend's close family member is extremely ill. "Thinking of you during this difficult time" would also be appropriate to say to a caregiver.

3. "Take care of yourself!"

Some people never get sick. These people need reminders that their bodies need care and attention. Otherwise, they ignore symptoms and the advice of professionals and try to power on like nothing is wrong.

4. "I'm sorry you aren't feeling well!"

Use this phrase to express your sorrow that your friend isn't feeling well. Maybe this can come after your friend breaks a lunch date or cancels your weekend plans. Instead of complaining about how his or her illness will affect your plans, be gracious. Tell your friend, "So sorry you're feeling crummy!".

5. "I'll pray for your speedy recovery!"

If your friend believes in the power of prayer, tell him or her that you will pray for a quick recovery. Of course, if you tell someone you are praying, make sure you follow through and do it.

6. "You are the strongest person I know! You've got this!"

Is your friend going through a painful treatment? It's probably hard to face because even though the procedure may lead to a cure, it can be painful. Give your friend or family member support or encouragement.

7. "I heard you aren't feeling well. Please know that I am thinking of you, and I can't wait to see you after you recover."

Again, the language of your messages should be supportive but positive. Messages to a sick person should also be brief. Give your friend a chance to rest instead of having to answer constant texts and phone calls.

How to Say 'Thinking of You at This Difficult Time' After a Death

If you have been through the death of a close family member or friend, you understand how painful it can be. People usually experience a wide variety of emotions and knowing what to say may be difficult.

Here are some sympathetic phrases to consider besides "thinking of you at this difficult time."

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8. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Now, the phrase " I'm sorry for your loss " tends to be overused as well. But in some situations, it is hard to come up with anything else.

9. "I don't know what to say."

Sometimes a death can be so shocking and seemingly unfair that you feel that there is nothing to say that will help the situation. If this describes your friend's scenario, simply tell him or her that you don't know what to say.

10. "I'm here whenever you need me."

Your friend may be in shock following the loss of a loved one. Instead of pressuring your friend for a specific way to help, consider giving your friend some space. Let your friend know that you are available, then check back the next day.

11. "You were an amazing caregiver."

Did your friend act as a full-time nurse for the person who recently died? Reassure your friend that he or she did an excellent job in the role.

12. "I just want to remind you how beautiful and loved you are!"

Your friend may feel lonely and overwhelmed. Reassure her that she is not alone and that you are there to offer support.

13. "Don't forget to take care of yourself."

There's a lot to do when someone dies — arrangements must be made and legal and financial ramifications must be considered. Are you worried that your friend isn't eating or sleeping? Give your friend a quick, "Take care of yourself." Drop off a healthy meal with your friend before you send this message.

14. "Your mom was an amazing woman."

More than likely, your friend wants to hear positive things about the person who died. Share specific stories about the deceased with grieving loved ones. Even if you never met the person while living, you can always recall your friend's favorite story.

How to Say 'Thinking of You at This Difficult Time' After Another Tragedy or Loss

How to say thinking of you at this difficult time after a tragedy of loss photo

Perhaps your friend has experienced another type of tragedy or loss, and you wish to offer your support. Here are things to say to support a grieving friend .

15. "This, too, shall pass."

The bad time that your friend is experiencing may be fleeting. Remind your loved one that the situation is temporary if you know it is. Never use this phrase when a person has lost a loved one. Grief does not pass. It may change over time, but your friend will experience some form of mourning forever.

16. "I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

If your friend is a Christian, remind him who to turn to for strength during a difficult time. This verse from the New Testament will remind your friend of where the strength originates.

17. "I just wanted to let you know that I miss you and love you!"

You may be unable to be with your friend who is going through a difficult time. Make sure that your friend knows that she is loved and treasured.

18. "I'm ready to listen."

A friend who has undergone a tragedy may need to vent. Let your friend know that you will listen and not pass judgment. Everyone needs a safe person to turn to in times of trouble. Be that reliable person for your friend.

19. "I know you are going through a difficult time right now. Please know that I am here for you."

Your friend may be avoiding you so she doesn't have to tell you the long story about her trauma. Reassure her by explaining that you already know. This may help break the ice.

20. "Life is so hard sometimes! I'm thankful that we have each other to lean on in times of crisis."

Have you depended upon your friend during your difficult times? Remind your friend how much you valued his or her friendship when going through a crisis in your own life.

21. "We will face this together."

No one wants to face troubles alone in the world. Reassure your friend that you are there to walk with together when times get tough.

We All Need Love and Reassurance at Times

Try to put yourself in your friend's shoes. Knowing the details of your friend's situation, would these phrases seem appropriate? How would you feel if a friend said the same thing to you if you faced a similar problem?

Remember to take special care when offering support to a friend who recently went through a devastating loss. It's better to say fewer words than to belittle your friend's feelings or try to put a positive spin on an extremely negative situation.


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